Founded in 1992 with headquarters in the historic center of Florence, Amiata Records derives its name from the mountain in southern Tuscany, one of the most un-spoilt areas of central Italy.

Within a few short years Amiata has established a strong international reputation for its outstanding recordings of world music, ethnic music, innovative classical music, ambient soundscapes and, more recently, cutting-edge contemporary electronica.

The acclaimed artistic level of Amiata’s releases, its audiophile technical production, distinctive artwork, quality packaging and informative editorial content have aided in the creation of its distinct brand recognition and positioning as a quality leader among independent record companies across the globe.

Amiata’s catalog now numbers over a hundred titles creatively presented in 7 series.

A cross-cultural label which is independent, creative and imaginative, Amiata presents music for curious souls and intelligent ears.
It offers sounds for those who, leaving prejudices behind, are inquisitive enough to venture into new territories.




For publishing-related enquiries please refer to: amiatarte.org

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