Place of birth: Pievepelago (Modena)

Date of Birth: 20 September 1957

Biography: Singer-songwriter, musician and poet, he carried out his artistic studies in various Italian cities, graduating in the early '80s in Horn at the Musical Institute of Lucca, in '86 in Music Teaching at the Conservatory of Bologna, and in '96 in Music Therapy in Bologna.

Career: he has played in opera, symphony and chamber orchestras in various Italian cities and theatres; he has performed as a singer-songwriter in festivals, reviews, competitions and personal concerts with public approval and reviews in major newspapers; he holds seminars and conferences at cultural institutions and associations.

He has always been a promoter of musical and cultural events in his places, and creator of the "Le vie delsono" festival.

In 2001 his CD "L'arco terre" was published (Amiata record/Edel), an album-collection of ten songs, with the participation of musicians such as Tamburini and Zitello, and notes by A. Jodorowsky.

"On the line between the hemispheres" was a finalist in the Premio Firenze ed. 2001, and obtained the special jury prize at the Mistrale International Literary Prize 2002 (Sestri Levante).

L'Arco TerrestreArco Terrestre
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