Gianfranco Pernaiachi was born in Rome in 1951. From 1966 to 1973 he studied piano, doublebass, flute and composition partly at the Conservatoire of Santa Cecilia in Rome, and also under private tuition.
From 1970 he began working as a composer and writing choral, chamber and symphonic music for differnt concert institutions in Italy, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas and USSR.
From 1977, developing his own musical thinking, ever more closely linked to litery and philosophical studies, he lectured and composed at the same time in italy and in various countries throughout Europe.
From 1978 to 1987 he was on the teaching staff for Harmony and Counterpoint at the State Conservatoire "L. D'Annunzio" in Pescara. After resigning, he held a "Course for free composition" in Rome, following which he continued his didactic role with numerous seminars and stages.
To his credit, he has made recordings for BMG and other labels. He has recorded his works for the RAI (Italian TV and Broadcasting Corporation), and for the national broadcasting station in Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Vatican, France, USA, Germany, USSR.
Besides his musical involvement, right from his early youth he has applied himself to poetic composition which, in 1987, culminated in the publication of the volume of verses "Da un'altra infanzia" (From another childhood) (-edizioni del Leone, Venezia 1987) and, subsequently, in the volume of poetic writings "Ecanto" (Enchantment) (Amadeus, Treviso 1991).
In 1994 "Nel riverbero del nome" (In the reverberation of the name) (Tracce, Pescara 1994) was published.