Partnership with Assisi Sacred Sound
Amiata Records Partners with Assisi Sacred Sound to Promote Global Sacred Music and Launch Online Master Courses.

Amiata Records has made a partnership with ASSISI SACRED SOUND ( Assisi Suono Sacro) a cultural institution directed by M° Andrea Ceccomori has a dream and a target: rediscover produce and promote sacredness and universality with music. From the Spirit of Assisi, center of spirituality, music can revive in a new way.
Assisi Sacred Sound promotes spiritual or so called “sacred music” from all cultures and traditions without being Eurocentered and with an open mind. music for peace and freedom and for the deepest meaning of listening. Assisi Sacred Sound is an Academy, a Festival, an Ensemble: a project of Peace.
This year ASSISI SACRED SOUND will also start offering online master courses and workshops on different subjects. For more detailed information check their website.