Aldo Brizzi & Gilberto Gil in Salvador de Bahia for Brizzi’s new Opera “Amor Azul”

On TVE this Saturday, the show “Ópera Amor Azul” with Gilberto Gil, Aldo Brizzi, Núcleo de Ópera da Bahia, Orquestra e choir do Neojiba, and Concha Acústica of TCA! The work features a story of love between the Hindu god Krishna and the mortal Radha. The repertoire has 40 new songs, and the show includes 150 artists on stage, including musicians, singers, soloists and dancers, as well as classical music, opera singing, samba, bossa nova, Afro-Brazilian drumming and percussion mixed with traditional Indian dance.

The main text of ‘Gita Govinda’, by Jayadeva Goswami, is considered one of the first works in world literature. The adaptation of the original was done in collaboration with the poet André Vallias.

Doctorate Honoris Causa to the Mancuso Brothers


The University of Messina (“Università degli Studi di Messina” ) has honoured our associated artists Lorenzo and Onofrio Mancuso, known as the Mancuso Brothers (Fratelli Mancuso) with a Doct. ad Honorem for their musical work (Dottorato Honoris Causa in Scienze Cognitive e Arti Performative), a title that honors also us, as their publishers and producers.

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